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Quality Question Bank
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"Quality is defined by the customer" is
  1. An unrealistic definition of quality
  2. A user-based definition of quality
  3. A manufacturing-based definition of quality
  4. A product-based definition of quality

Q2. TQM stands for ______________

  1. Total Quality Management
  2. Total Quantity Management
  3. Total Qualitative Management
  4. To question management
Correct Answer

Q3. An advertising executive is studying television-viewing habits of married men and women during prime time hours. On the basis of past viewing records, the executive has determined that during prime time, husbands are watching television 40% of the time. It has also been determined that when the husband is watching television, 40% of the time the wife is also watching. When the husband is not watching television, 30% of the time the wife is watching television. Find the probability that the wife is watching television in prime time.

  1. 0.36
  2. 0.35
  3. 0.34
  4. 0.32
Correct Answer

Q4. Which is not a commonly used quality management tool?

  1. Fishbone diagram
  2. CSSR report
  3. Pareto chart
  4. Control chart
  5. None of the above (all are commonly used)
Correct Answer

Q5. All of the following statements about control charts are true except:

  1. All data points outside the control chart limits are variations explained by
  2. Control charts can be used to establish as well as maintain process control
  3. A and B
  4. B and C
  5. Control charts are used to determine acceptance limits when no limits are stipulated by the product specification; otherwise, one should use the limits dictated by the specification
Correct Answer

Q6. How does the current inventory is indicated visually?

  1. Bar chart
  2. Kanban card
  3. Stand up meeting
  4. Label
Correct Answer

Q7. While setting Goal, following things to be consider. i. Customer need ii. Marketability of product iii. Organization need The correct order is

  1. i only
  2. i & ii
  3. ii & iii
  4. i, ii & iii
Correct Answer

Q8. What does the lean manufacturing aims to?

  1. Outsource much of our manufacturing in order to focus on final assembly
  2. Produce goods using less resources compared to mass production techniques
  3. Produce products with fewer options to simplify consumer choices
  4. Keep labor costs as low as possible by using more of other resources
Correct Answer

Q9. Quality practices must be carried out ______________

  1. at the start of the project
  2. throuout the life of the project
  3. at the end of the project
  4. no neeed to carry out quality practices
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following should be reviewed by the organization to identify requirements for operations that realize products or deliver services in order to ensure compliance with specifications?

  1. Inability to comply with contractual requirements
  2. Training and competence of people
  3. Problem conception
  4. Irrelevant statutory and regulatory requirements
Correct Answer

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